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Pycord tries to keep the recording of audio as simple and easy as possible, to keep making Discord bots of any kind easy for all audiences. This guide provides simple and easy examples of using the audio recording feature.

For users that want extra examples, you can find some in Pycord's GitHub repository.

Starting out

The first thing you want to do is make a cache of your voice connections. This is fairly easy; as it's just putting a variable with an empty dictionary in our code, such as connections = {}.

You will now want to create your command for recording.

Record Command Example
import discord

bot = discord.Bot()
connections = {}

async def record(ctx): # If you're using commands.Bot, this will also work.
voice =

if not voice:
await ctx.respond("You aren't in a voice channel!")

vc = await # Connect to the voice channel the author is in.
connections.update({ vc}) # Updating the cache with the guild and channel.

discord.sinks.WaveSink(), # The sink type to use.
once_done, # What to do once done. # The channel to disconnect from.
await ctx.respond("Started recording!")
BobDotComused /record
Started recording!

Now you are finished making your command for voice receiving! Next, you will want to:

  1. Make your finished callback
  2. Make a stop command

Making a Callback

To make a callback, you will want to define the currently undefined once_done function inside our command, like so:

Recorder Callback
async def once_done(sink: discord.sinks, channel: discord.TextChannel, *args):  # Our voice client already passes these in.
recorded_users = [ # A list of recorded users
for user_id, audio in sink.audio_data.items()
await # Disconnect from the voice channel.
files = [discord.File(audio.file, f"{user_id}.{sink.encoding}") for user_id, audio in sink.audio_data.items()] # List down the files.
await channel.send(f"finished recording audio for: {', '.join(recorded_users)}.", files=files) # Send a message with the accumulated files.
finished recording audio for: @BobDotCom

Now that you've done this, the only thing left to do is make your stop command.

Making a Stop Command

The final step to this guide is stopping the audio recording. This is the easiest step by far.

To make it, you will want to do the following:

Stop Recording Command
async def stop_recording(ctx):
if in connections: # Check if the guild is in the cache.
vc = connections[]
vc.stop_recording() # Stop recording, and call the callback (once_done).
del connections[] # Remove the guild from the cache.
await ctx.delete() # And delete.
await ctx.respond("I am currently not recording here.") # Respond with this if we aren't recording."token")

Congratulations! You have now implemented voice recording into your bot! Most bots and Discord API wrappers don't have this as a feature, so this is quite an accomplishment. Thankfully, Pycord makes it easy to make complex bots so that you can get even the most advanced of ideas down.